Keeping your marriage happy

I liken a happy marriage to a swan or swans together. On the surface of the water - serene and beautiful but underneath the water, the feet are working hard to keep the swan/swans  afloat.

If your marriage is happy, please don’t get complacent about it. Don’t start to think that your marriage is self-sufficient and will continue to be happy without your DUAL input.

A happy marriage today could be in the divorce court in a few months. A little bit of not listening to her complaints here. A little bit of taking him for granted there... and before you know it, your former ‘ile alayo’ - house of joy may turn to a house of misery.

Please be intentional about keeping your marriage happy.

I suggest you have a brutal look at your marriage. And your conduct. Are you still doing those things that make your spouse look forward to coming home to be with you? If you are still doing them, well done and keep it up. But if you know that you have started being complacent, please remember the feelings that you had in the beginning. The loved up feelings. Go back to recreating the feelings and hold on to them.

Always keep the lines of communication open. Talk and keep talking. And when your spouse talks, listen to them.

Let those who think they stand beware lest they fall.

I wish you continued marital bliss to the end of time.

By :  Ajai

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