Do you find yourself making those kind of statements?

That is a statement made out of emotions. Keep your emotions in check and be objective. Instead of making these cries of pity and disappointment, ask yourself why relationships you willingly take yourself into don't work. Is it because you are not ready? Is it because you carry negativity and thus people reject you? Is it because of who you choose to love? Is it because of the foundation you built your relationships on? Is it because of your impatience and expectations? Is it because you want love but haven't grown to be able to nurture love? Is it because you want a Godly relationship but then you don't do love in a Godly way and you choose people who have no use for God?  Even when you're pursuing your personal dreams and then you fail at some point, do you give up on your dreams because you fail? You ask yourself why did you fail. So why give up on love, something you'll need forever?

Good men meet bad women and give up on love. Good women meet bad men and give up on love. Good men meet good women and become so avoidant and end up becoming just friends. It's a mess out here. May we not miss out on love because we have been too scared.

If you will choose to be single for the rest of your life, do so, not out of fear but because being single derives you joy and fulfilment like Apostle Paul.

But if companionship will bring you joy, learn from your past so that you know how to choose the right one for you in future and know how to navigate love.

Otherwise, you will be feeling sorry as the world moves on without you, as you watch people who just like you had heartbreaks in the past but have moved on to amazing love stories because they did not give up on love, they gave up on negative mindsets and bad choices. True love doesn't hurt. Watch your parameters.

Written by: Peter D'Rock

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