Be mindful for the "RED FLAG" in Relationship.

It hurts to see young ladies running after men who don't want to be with them. It is even more disturbing that many of these ladies go to the extreme just to keep these men by their sides. Even some men are not left out, they have been through hell and back in the hands of the daughter's of Jezebel.

Relationships are not forced. Don't force anybody to see your importance, don't force anybody to be in your life.
You can't keep disgracing yourself and your family just because you want someone, or because you want to get married then tomorrow you won't let me rest with your countless 'What do I do & I don't know what to do questions?'' Please when you see the signs, don't call it love. Call it what it is; RED FLAG.

Understand that if someone you're in a relationship with doesn't call you, it's because they don't want to call you. It's not because they are very busy. Nobody is too busy to hear the voice of their beloved. If you're begging for their attention, it means someone else is already getting it. They are tired of you.

If he doesn't invite you to go out, it's because he's sure you are not the one and he doesn't want to see you. Stop begging him to go out with you. Bro, if she's acting like a confused jelly fish, don't fix her, she doesn't want to be fixed. No matter how many times you bath a pig, it can never appreciate beauty.

If he treats you like crap, it's because he doesn't care about you. It's not because he doesn't know how to talk and act around you. You are worthless to him.
If he lets you go even after all your laundering service, cooking, pounding and bed room services, it's because you don't matter to him anymore. He doesn't want to be with you. It's not a spiritual attack. He has seen and tasted all that you have to offer, you retain no mystery to him anymore.

If he says you are the love for his life but he's not ready for commitment yet, but he wants all the benefits of a husband, you are fooling yourself with him. Run away while you still have the time before you waste a decade with him.
Bro, No matter how good of a person you're, there are some ladies you can never be good enough for and that's okay, because you will be more than enough for the one who truly deserve you. Don't ever force love to happen.

Just stop playing their confusing game.
Stop justifying their actions. Stop making excuses for them. They know what they are doing. You are being taken for granted. You shouldn't be that naive and stupid.
Aunty, When a man wants a woman, he goes for her, no lies, no games, no excuses and no complications. He treats her like a Queen and looks out for her interests.
You can't keep playing a wify role to a man who doesn't know what he wants. You are going to wear yourself out trying to keep up with him.
Stop hurting yourself by fighting other women to leave him alone.
° Is he not an adult?
° Is he being forced on these other women?
Stop breaking your own heart by fighting for someone who is not good enough for you.

Love is not complicated. Love is as love does. When lovely words don't match their actions, please don't call it love. It is a red flag. Love comes with evidence
Give yourself the opportunity to be happy and to be truly happy with someone that deserve you.
Leave confused set of creatures alone. I know you love this person deeply, but do you need him? Considering the way your life is going, do you think you need her? The reason you can fall in love with the wrong person is because your emotions don't know anything about your destiny. The reason you can love someone who's not right for you is because your feelings have no idea of what you deserve. Your heart does not always know what you deserve; it only knows what you want and that's because the heart has a mind of its own.

Your emotions don't have sense, even the bible said emotions are deceitful. They don't consult your future before they go to work. That's why you can end up regretting ever loving someone. Life is 10% Emotions & 90% Reality. Life is about what you deserve not even about how you feel or what you feel. It's one thing to love someone and it is another thing for that person to be the person your destiny deserve.
Don't die for nothing over the wrong Wo/man. You are not Jesus Christ and no, you don't have a reward in heaven if you die over an irresponsible person.

Written By: Peter D'Rock

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