Do not marry for potential.

In relationships, decide to settle for the person right in front of you. Not the potential person or what you believe he or she would become in future. So that you don't get broken hearted when it doesn't happen. A lot of times, we say "oh yes, I really like him or her" they have a lot of potential.

Listen, stick to who is standing in front of you, or who is sitting right there with you, not the image of who you think they would become. If you decide to love them, love them. Yes exactly the person standing in front of you with all their strengths, flaws, abilities and who they are, not for an idea.
If you are okay with it, if you are comfortable and if you love them as they are now, then it's going to be a successful relationship and marriage that gets better as both of you continue to work on it. But If it's not what you want, then please walk away. It's not a fantasy or infatuation you should settle for, It's what you have chosen to accept, your now is your reality. Accepting what is, would be the first step to changing things for good.
A lot of times we make the mistake of falling in love with the potential, and not the person. To reduce pressures that are not needed in our relationships, we must decide if we are satisfied with who is standing right in front of us in our relationships before we settle down to get married to them or we let it go.
An Illusion is always entirely different from reality. Illusion dwindle. At the end of the day, we have several broken relationships because of unrealistic expectations.
If you say "I Do" , let it be that you are responsible for your choice and whatever comes with that decision; good or bad. So take the scales of your eyes and look at the person clearly in the face, heart and soul. Accept who they are now, not the idea of who they will become.
If they become more, it's your choice and if sometimes challenges come in that relationship, it's still your choice. So settle for who you see and all they are now instead of building castles in the air. There is a difference between illusions, reality, expectations and faith. Know where you stand.
Stay true to yourself and prevent future hurt.
Written by: Peter D'Rock

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