What's a relationship without Communication?

One of the reasons I love communication is because I over think. I'm going to make wild assumptions and conclusions. Just tell me what's up or my over thinking mind will make shit up. I cherish communication in relationships. Tell me what am not doing well and I'll do better. Tell me what I could do better. Tell me what am doing well, I'll do it more. Don't assume that I know or put up a passive aggressive attitude. Talk to me, I don't read minds. COMMUNICATE!
If you love me, I expect you to make time for me the same way you make time to eat, brush and do your daily essentials. You're not too busy to brush your teeth or eat. I should be part of your daily essentials.
You don't love me if you don't make effort to communicate with me; if you don't make effort to make time for me. Love is nothing if you don't make effort to be a better person and do better. Love is nothing without efforts. I should be able to SEE you trying your best and vice versa.
I will end a relationship because of silent treatment. It is emotionally abusive for someone to keep quiet and not communicate with you, and even when you reach out, they don't pick or reply for a period of time. That shit messes one up. It is abusive and I rather be single. I don't know who needs to hear this, but being alone for awhile won't kill you. It's better than that inconsistent person you keep letting stress you out.
Written by: Peter D'Rock

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