Don't ever try to go through another stage in your life where you're telling someone how they should treat you.

When someone is the right person for you, there will be so much ease, you'll feel it, you'll see it. You'll see the interest, their desire for you, and you won't have to force things. It won't just stress you. Things will flow effortlessly.

When what you feel for someone is taken for granted, confusion is inevitable.

A bad driver can terminate your journey..


What one takes for Granted is another's prayer point; value your time.

I want you to note this:

Anytime you start begging or pleading for what you deserve in a relationship it means you're no more welcomed. When you're in a healthy relationship, you don't beg for what you deserve.

Your Worth determines your treatment, and There's a message in the way someone treats you.

Listen; You see sex, feelings, emotions, they can blind your sense of reasoning, if you don't put up your thinking cap.

Ask yourself why you should remain in an unhealthy relationship.

Don't waste your time dating someone who doesn't know your worth. It hurts at last.

When the person you're dating is not dating you; Cheating & other unhealthy treatment  becomes a normal way of life.

If you keep complaining about one or two things in a relationship and yet no change..
Please don't think marriage will change it. When there's a back to back argument, something is not right.
People treat you as an option because you don't know your Worth.

Do you know some people are in a relationship but yet they feel single? Because they are dating one of their problems. Do you know that some people have already seen you as "Ex" before asking you out/accepting to date you?
Beware of dogs!
Not everyone deserve you.. Look beyond every word that comes from that person's mouth...
Watch their actions. Their actions is who they are not their words.

No midnight prayer or warfare can keep the wrong person.
No matter how good you're, the wrong person knows how to hurt you..

Date who knows your Worth, otherwise you may end up hurting yourself.

Written by: Peter D'Rock

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