Woman, Stand by your Man

A good woman will never be comfortable with her man always complaining of being broke like he complained the previous year. She just has to be uncomfortable with his always broke situation. As the year is slowly moving, use the opportunity to think up some good financial plans and ideas for him, and then nicely  suggest the ideas to him.

They has to be growth, not only with the way he loves you and the way you love him back, but also with the substance he loves you with. Your man has to outgrow his 'I am broke' confessions.

First, it has to start with you not being comfortable with him being comfortable with his situation. It starts with you having the desire to see your man grow beyond his finances this year, grow beyond his plans and level of responsibility.

Secondly, be open to think up some things he can do to improve his financial position. Make some findings, build some financial goals for him around the things he loves to do. Then suggest these ideas to him.

It could be signing him up for a start-up business seminar with your own money, buying him books that will challenge his desire to spread his wings. Pay for him to be personally mentored by a respected expert in the field. Surf for a better job opportunity for him. Pay for an internship or entrepreneurship position for your man... and nicely tell him about it with a little sweet talk to persuade him to take the step.

This is not the same as pampering a man or doing for him what he should be doing for himself, this Is an act of supporting and challenging your man to grow. Some men need to be challenged this way to make a leap. Most men, the inspiration they need to rise up and chase higher calling is just knowing that their woman is no longer comfortable with where they are. Don't just nag and nag and murmur about how he is always complaining of being broke all the time.  As a matter of fact,  you have no right to nag and complain about his finances if you are not making any effort to help in your own little way.

And less I forget, stop giving him money. Stop bailing him out whenever he runs to you for a financial favour. You are only contributing to his laziness and lack of desire to go out and chase success. The worse state you can ever put your man is a position where he knows that he doesn't have to work so hard because he has you. That position where his heart is conditioned to give up easily on something because he knows you get paid on the 27th of every month. 

You are making him a weak man. Let it end this year. STOP giving him money he doesn't return. Stop feeding a man crumbs when he should be out working to put food on the table. Stop it this year. You cannot keep having no savings because of a man you are indirectly training to depend on you for airtime credits and data subscription.  Express how uncomfortable you are with his position and charge him to take a leap.

Trust men, he may feel threatened and insecure about it. He may start talking about how you are becoming selfish and inpatient with him. Don't listen to him, it's just pride talking. A good man will understand the intent behind your actions. An understanding man will be grateful to have a woman who is challenging him to break out and be better for himself, and for her. 

Do not let this fear keep you from making kind suggestions to him about how he can grow financially this year and also in the coming year, refuse to be comfortable with his procrastination. Kindly, let him know that his actions are not only affecting him, but you as well. If he buys your ideas with a humble heart, just know that God has blessed you with a man who will treasure your opinions in marriage.

Written by: Peter D' Rock.

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