Nigerian Government May Negotiate with the Terrorist to Release the Abducted Passengers

Evidence that the Federal Government of Nigeria may adhere to the demands of the terrorist group that attacked the Abuja-Kaduna train and abducted about 68 passengers at Katari, Kaduna state, on March 28.

The terrorists had asked the Nigerian government to release some of its detained commanders and financiers in exchange for the abductees.

 The incident that got many people killed and about 26 others injured, the terrorists bombed the rail track and fired gunshots at the train which was headed to Northern part of the country.

The gunmen on Wednesday released the picture of a new born baby girl that was delivered by one of the two pregnant women in their custody and had released one of the hostages, the Managing Director of a Bank that was released after paying huge amount of money.

According to the security agents, the terrorists were insisting on the release of their members as well as huge cash in exchange for the kidnap victims who include children, women, and some men, some of whom were injured during the train attack.

“The negotiation with the terrorists is going on but the government is seriously considering how to safely navigate the situation without compromising the safety of the abductees or national security."

“The gunmen are insisting on the release of their commanders and financiers; they also want cash. Deliberation is going on at the highest level to resolve the impasse in a way that would not compromise national security or the safety of the abductees,” a source explained.


"I am appealing to the government to please come to our rescue,” Said one of the victims.

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