Case Study Shows It's Possible to Orgasm Using Only Your Mind

A 33-year-old woman with Vaginismus trained herself to spontaneously orgasm with only her mind, a new case study reports.

Vaginismus is a condition that occurs when the pelvic floor is involuntarily contracted. This can cause a great deal of pain during penetrative sex, but it doesn't mean those with vaginismus can't experience sexual pleasure.

While many female orgasms are achieved by touching erogenous zones, there's another route to rapture that is often overlooked.
During sleep, for instance, our brains can lead us to orgasm through our dreams, and some people say they can reach climax simply by fantasizing while awake. Phantom orgasms are also commonly reported among paraplegic men and women.

Like any brain pathway, it's easier to get there with practice. Previous studies have shown yoga and tantric meditation can enhance sexual arousal, desire, and orgasm by bringing attention to the mind and the body.

The woman in the current case study is an example of how successful this training can be. After a decade of tantric yoga practice, she proved she could not only attain orgasm whenever she wanted and with only her mind, she could also control the duration of the blissful state for up to 10 minutes.

Her skills were recently put to the test. During an experiment, the woman was asked to lie down on an examination table and either partake in 10 minutes of continuous orgasm, 5 minutes of continuous orgasm or, as a control, 10 minutes of reading a book. The orgasms were either achieved through self-touch or her mind.

Researchers could objectively tell the woman was orgasming because of a marker in her blood known as prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain, which faithfully spikes in the bloodstream following orgasm. The magnitude of this spike also coincides with how much pleasure the person is feeling.

Credit: #infinitenews

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