17 Cool Ways To Make A Guy Go Crazy Over You And Crave For you.


1. Be yourself

Being yourself is the single best thing you can do to make a guy go crazy over you. You have to show these guys exactly who you are at the core, and the right ones will go absolutely nuts for you! Not only that, but you will also only attract the guys who truly like you for who you are.

you’re not just for the sake of catching a guy’s attention. It will never work if you pretend to be someone you stay who you are, you’ll eventually attract the right guy for you. Even if pretending does work for a while, you’ll be too exhausted to keep up a fake front because it was never who you were from the beginning.

Truth is, they can tell. Men may be simple, but they’re not stupid. One of the best pieces of advice on how to make a guy go crazy over you is to be yourself

2. Be confident

You know what they say – confidence is sexy! It means that you know who you are and you want the world to know it – and men love this! Leave all your insecurities out the window if you truly want a guy to like you.

Not to be confused with arrogance, where it’s just being boastful, but being confident in your capabilities and abilities will make him go crazy over you. There’s nothing more attractive than a woman who knows what she can bring to the table.

When you have confidence, you don’t seek external validation from others as you know that only you can give that to yourself

3. Make your standards known

If you’re out with a guy who wants to head back up to your place, but that’s just not how you roll on the first, second, or even third date, then let him know! You should never compromise your standards for any guy. no matter how cute you think he is!

If you don’t sleep with a guy on the first few dates, don’t hesitate to let him know! By setting standards and voicing them, he will be in awe that you not only have so much self-respect, but that you are willing to make sure he’s on board before furthering anything.

4. Be kind

When men first meet someone, their first impression – and many impressions after that, even – really determine how they see someone.

Being kind is a great way to make a guy take extra interest in you. Kindness is rarely seen in our world today, so if you show any act of genuine kindness to anyone, it’s always a refreshing and attractive trait.

If you’re kind to him and others around you, then he can safely assume you’re nice in general, and men go googly-eyes for a truly kind person.

5. Be demanding

This doesn’t mean bossy! While some men may like the bossy attitude, it wears thin after a while. Be demanding in the way that shows him you can be in charge. If you want to know how to make a guy go crazy over you, then be capable of making decisions and sticking to them.

Again, this doesn’t mean being entitled or nagging in any way. It’s a healthy way of taking charge, every once in a while.

6. Take care of yourself

Self-care is always a beautiful thing for anyone, no matter their gender. Exercising, eating well, and having proper hygiene are traits that every man finds attractive.

Why? Because it means that you’re willing to put in the work to not only be healthy, but also to look/smell good for him on a regular basis.

How else can you take care of others if you can’t even do the same for yourself? It’s always an attractive sight to see a woman taking care of herself and investing in her health.

7. Be subtle

Guys love a challenge, so you shouldn’t be too evident and outspoken in making him like you. Be subtle with your compliments and your actions towards him.

Doing subtle things here and there to give him the hint is not only sexy, but it will show him that you don’t have to openly shout to the world that you care about him.

8. Be open

It’s nearly impossible for a guy to go crazy over you if he hardly knows you! Open up to him. No, we’re not referring to spilling all your secrets and personal details immediately. Learn to balance between leaving room for mystery and opening up to him. Tell him your goals, your hopes, and your dreams.

Share with him your views on certain controversial issues. Letting him see the real you, and the fact that you have your own opinions, goals, and desires will make him see you in a whole new light!

This also gives him the idea that you’re not a superficial person but have your personal opinions and thoughts that make you who you are. What’s more admirable than that?

9. Be spontaneous

Randomly show up at his place with gifts. He will not only appreciate this greatly, but he will go absolutely nuts over you. This is one of the underrated ways on how to make a guy go crazy over you that’ll work wonders.

There’s no need to plan everything, so why not give a surprise visit after his work?
He’ll definitely appreciate this coming from you! After all, being too predictable all of the time can be very boring, and he will get sick of you very quickly.

10. Be busy!

Have your own life! Surprisingly, men find someone who is busy doing their own thing to be extremely attractive. It means that you don’t need someone else to plan your life around.

Don’t keep waiting around for his messages or for him to talk to you – that’s not an attractive trait in anyone.

In fact, it can even be a red flag that you’ll be clingy and attached if he does end up dating you. Having your own hobbies, events, and activities that you’re always engaged in will make him bide his time for when you’re free.

11. Don’t be high maintenance

If there’s one thing that all men hate, it’s a woman who takes an hour just to do her makeup. That doesn’t count shower time, hair time, and the time it takes her to get dressed.

We don’t just mean this in the physical sense either. Don’t be needy! It’s so exhausting to keep up with a needy high-maintenance woman from a guy’s perspective.

What’s more attractive is to find someone light and easy-going. not to be confused with superficial at all! Men need someone who can go on all kinds of crazy life adventures with them and be their best friend.

12. Be supportive

A man’s ideal woman is someone who will stand by him, support his dreams, goals, and hobbies in life. Even the crazy ones you don’t particularly understand!

13. Get along with his friends and family

A guy might not admit this right away, but it’s crucial for his friends and family to get along with any girl he introduces in his life. If you manage to not just get along with his loved ones but to have close relationships with them, then you’ve clearly mastered the art of how to make a guy go crazy over you.

The way to winning his heart is by getting along with the people he loves most in his life so grab a beer with them, share some laughs, and bond with them!

14. Be independent

There’s just something incredibly sexy and attractive about an independent woman – and every man knows this to the core!

Being independent is one of the best ways on how to make a guy go crazy over you. When he knows that you’re your own person and you don’t depend on others for anything, then that’s attractive right there.
It means that you won’t rely on a relationship to make you happy, but it simply adds to the happiness you already have in your life.

15. Be an active listener

Your listening skills are everything when trying to make a guy go crazy after you. When you’re attentive and you remember even the tiny details of the things he tells you, then he can trust you enough to actually tell you his stories and even his problems.

When you’re a great listener, it also makes you a great communicator. And we all know communication is vital in relationships! If you just listen to put up a front but you’re very distracted in your thoughts, trust us when we say, he’ll be able to tell right away and this will set him off.

16. Be accountable

Contrary to popular belief, you can have the perfect balance of accountability and having fun! Being accountable is an attractive trait on any woman because it shows that you’re someone he can rely on and trust when push comes to shove.

It also means you’re able to be rational when it counts, and you know how to take care of yourself. There’s nothing attractive about a girl who gets too drunk and can’t take proper care of herself.

17. Let him do the chasing

Women can absolutely make the first move, but if you want to know how to make a guy go crazy over you, let him do the chasing.
Let him work for it in winning your heart instead of the other way around. It’s a known fact that men love the challenge of getting a girl so don’t chase after him, no matter how much you want to.

Instead, wait for him to come around and make an effort to get your heart – that’s how to make a guy go crazy over you.

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