Don't waste your time on fake Relationship

Take it serious

Dear singles,

As much as you can, take dating relationships seriously. Take It Serious!
Don't waste your time playing around with some uncommitted folk, nah. If they aren't going to give you complete loyalty and commitment. Stroll away.
Take dating seriously. When they come to you, ask them to define what they want from you. Be straightforward. Tell them there's no chance for “Let’s just see how it goes...”

Nah! There must be definition.
Ask them questions. Yes, tough questions.
Where are you from?
What's your vision?
In five years where do you see yourself?
If your plan A fails, what will be your next step?
Where do you want this relationship to end?
Do you love me or the idea of me?
How do you intend achieving your dreams?
What are your religious convictions?
Do you want to marry me, or you want to waste my time?
Will you be able to abstain till marriage?

Ask them darn questions!
Serious ones!
Don't ever take dating ‘lightly’
Be so serious about who gets into your heart.
Be so serious about who you commit to.
Don't accept the idea of dating for ‘fun’
Yes, it's good that he can get you Macdonald's burger, Gucci handbags, iPhone, but ask him where in seven heavens the relationship is leading to.
Ask him aside money and all the material gifts, what else can he offer?
Be serious!
If (s)he gets you anything less than total commitment, get away.
Don't settle for an inch less. Be that serious. Be that high in standard.
Yes, people will say your own is too much.
They'll say you're uptight and too serious.
Tell them:
“Yes, I am serious because my life, and my heart is not a joke. It's no joke who I give my time. I can not get back the time I'd spend with you, that's how priceless it is, that's why I must be sure you're worth spending my priceless time with...”
If you don't get serious. And keep high standards. They'll get into your life easily and play tennis with your heart.
Have you ever seen a government house with no security and protocols?
Anyone can just enter??
If anyone can just come into your heart. One day you'll find it in bits!
Be damn serious and uptight!
And always remember that, if you're this serious about relationships, you won't quickly get into a relationship because these days people seek flings, play mates & sex mates..
But bet me, the right person is coming.

Written by: Peter D'Rock

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