Focus on medical facts not miraculous healing

There is a religious obsession with healing in some part of the world that we forget that some diseases can not disappear overnight.

If you have a chronic disease, please stop being obsessed with miraculous healing. Focus on medical FACTS.

Last week, after a CT Scan, my physician declared me CURED of Pulmonary Embolism. He wanted to take me off my medication. I said NO DOCTOR, remember you did not check my DVT. He apologized and gave me a new referral letter to the Radiologist. The radiologist confirmed that I still have clots in my leg and I continued on my meds.

Imagine if I was the type Who is obsessed with miraculous healing, as soon as my physician declared I had no clots in my lungs, I would have celebrated , shared on Facebook to shame my enemies, get off my meds and die in one week.

Do you want to live? Focus on FACTS. Know your body. You can help your doctor learn about your body. This level of knowledge comes from studying and researching about your medical condition so that you can work with your doctor and not just be a patient at the mercy of your doctor.

I'm tired of losing young men and women to death. You can defeat death and diseases - you just need to study about your condition. If I didn't study about my conditions, I would have died from ignorance.

By: Charles Awuzie

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